I’m a girl.
I am the only girl in my house. Not even a girl dog, cat, or goldfish.
But, for the love of Pete, can we talk about something other than if (insert name of team here) is in the “one-double-a” or the “one-a” or the “two-double-a” league, level or whatever you call it? If (insert name of player here) was traded, or did they retire? What was the score of that Monday night football game three years ago? Offsides, Roughing the Passer, Hacking, Three-point shot, First Down?

I guess they would probably say the same thing about my 12 hour scrap-a-thons. I guess I understand.

The boys are gone for the evening (at a hockey game!). I’m enjoying a girls-night-in. Dove chocolates, pink fuzzy slippers, diet coke, surfing crafty blogs and catching up on my soaps via my TIVO. It’s good to be a girl.
Even if I don't always understand what the heck they are talking about, I wouldn't trade these guys for anything!
Dude, no way did you paint your toenails!
I'm glad Poot isn't a sports nut... I think I would have serious issues. ;)
It's called clip art... :) I don't like to show my feet! :)
MCBGMMC may be partly to blame for this!
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