Here is my typical day:
6:45 a.m. Wake up after hitting the snooze for 15-20 minutes
7:00 a.m. Get the kiddo ready for school
7:45 a.m. Sonic drive-thru for morning Diet Coke
8 a.m. Arrive at the office
Noon-ish Go to lunch
12:45 p.m. Sonic drive-thru for afternoon Diet Coke
4:45/5:00 p.m. Leave the office
5:15 p.m. Pick up kiddo at daycare
5:35 p.m. Put on my jammies
6:45 p.m. Make dinner
7:00 p.m. Check TIVO
Today was not unlike many others I have - except for my afternoon activities.
I was out at lunch today searching for my parent’s 40th wedding anniversary present. (OK, so their anniversary was a month ago. But I’m going to see them this weekend and I can’t show up empty-handed!) I was headed towards the Sonic (see 12:45 p.m. above) on my way back to work and I had an out-of-body experience that led me into the Spangles drive-thru. Right. Across. The. Street. from where I’ve been caught before. Rumor has it that Spangles has the same pebble ice as my Sonic. I tried to talk myself into it – then talk myself out of it. No one needs to know I’m here, right? I don’t think anyone saw me pull in. What’s the harm? It’s only one time. If I don’t like it, I don’t ever have to do it again.
Well, it is no longer a rumor. I can confirm that it is semi-true. I did it. I had the large Diet Pepsi at Spangles. And a grilled cheese sandwich. While the ice is crushed, and, yes…I’ll say it, quite delightful, (not to mention, cheaper at lunchtime than Sonic), it is not Sonic pebble-like. Close, but not exactly. “What’s the big deal?,” you ask?
When I say the above is my typical day – I mean it. The Sonic drive thru is not negotiable. I will forego my conditioner treatment in the shower, neglect to comb my kid’s hair in the morning, or be late for work, before I would ever think missing Nikki’s face in the drive thru. That’s the name of the nicest Sonic girl on earth. She’s at the Sonic on 21st Street in Topeka. Tell her “the girl in the blue CRV” sent you!
As my blog title says, this is not my first time. The last time this happened, I innocently went to a Sonic in a different zip code - closer to my office. Only to find NIKKI at the drive-thru window when I pulled up!!! She called me out immediately. WHAT are you doing here??!! Are you going out on us??? I laughed nervously and tried to explain that this Sonic was actually closer to my office at lunch time. She gave me this look that said, yeah, sure. Then I panicked. WHAT IF NIKKI had moved locations? Would I have to start coming here, out of my way before work just to get my “G’morning” and smile from Nikki??? So, I asked. Good news, she was just there training some newbies.
I don’t know if it was worth the guilt I felt for “going out on” Nikki. I think I’ll just play it safe and keep going to my Sonic. I will try to be faithful, but I can’t promise it won’t happen again.
6:45 a.m. Wake up after hitting the snooze for 15-20 minutes
7:00 a.m. Get the kiddo ready for school
7:45 a.m. Sonic drive-thru for morning Diet Coke
8 a.m. Arrive at the office
Noon-ish Go to lunch
12:45 p.m. Sonic drive-thru for afternoon Diet Coke
4:45/5:00 p.m. Leave the office
5:15 p.m. Pick up kiddo at daycare
5:35 p.m. Put on my jammies
6:45 p.m. Make dinner
7:00 p.m. Check TIVO
Today was not unlike many others I have - except for my afternoon activities.
I was out at lunch today searching for my parent’s 40th wedding anniversary present. (OK, so their anniversary was a month ago. But I’m going to see them this weekend and I can’t show up empty-handed!) I was headed towards the Sonic (see 12:45 p.m. above) on my way back to work and I had an out-of-body experience that led me into the Spangles drive-thru. Right. Across. The. Street. from where I’ve been caught before. Rumor has it that Spangles has the same pebble ice as my Sonic. I tried to talk myself into it – then talk myself out of it. No one needs to know I’m here, right? I don’t think anyone saw me pull in. What’s the harm? It’s only one time. If I don’t like it, I don’t ever have to do it again.
Well, it is no longer a rumor. I can confirm that it is semi-true. I did it. I had the large Diet Pepsi at Spangles. And a grilled cheese sandwich. While the ice is crushed, and, yes…I’ll say it, quite delightful, (not to mention, cheaper at lunchtime than Sonic), it is not Sonic pebble-like. Close, but not exactly. “What’s the big deal?,” you ask?

As my blog title says, this is not my first time. The last time this happened, I innocently went to a Sonic in a different zip code - closer to my office. Only to find NIKKI at the drive-thru window when I pulled up!!! She called me out immediately. WHAT are you doing here??!! Are you going out on us??? I laughed nervously and tried to explain that this Sonic was actually closer to my office at lunch time. She gave me this look that said, yeah, sure. Then I panicked. WHAT IF NIKKI had moved locations? Would I have to start coming here, out of my way before work just to get my “G’morning” and smile from Nikki??? So, I asked. Good news, she was just there training some newbies.
I don’t know if it was worth the guilt I felt for “going out on” Nikki. I think I’ll just play it safe and keep going to my Sonic. I will try to be faithful, but I can’t promise it won’t happen again.
LOL... you are a kook! I hope you told Nikki that she is mentioned on your blog ;)
You crack me up! I will be back, thanks for the giggles, great blog!
I really must ask (In the nicest possible way). Do you have to be weird for admittance to this family, or does being in this family make otherwise normal people weird? Because most people? Most people would find your ice confession slightly strange (sorry, I’m just saying). I however, completely understand, because I used to drive out of my way to order Sprite (which I hate, but which does not discolor the pristine ice) from Sonic then promptly pour it out in the parking lot leaving only the coveted crystals for my enjoyment.
So, which came first, the Chaffin or the ice?
I am waiting.......for another post!!!
Thanks everyone for understanding just one of my little idiosynchrocies (sp?).
Tobi - No offense taken. I have to admit that I may have been a tinge weird to start with - but if you aren't when you enter this family, you will be shortly thereafter. Am I right?? LOL It's probaby why I love them so much.
BTW - did you know you CAN just order a large water at sonic?? Sometimes they charge you like 50 cents, sometimes they charge you the whole kit-n-kaboodle! But easier than pouring out the Sprite. You have to drink water, right??
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