I don't really know what to write for my first blog. Should it be something serious, funny, witty, charming, or informational? Hopefully, all of the above.
A few things about me:

Seriously, I hate having my picture taken!

Our next big trip will be to Albuquerque in January!! I wonder where the scrapbook stores are?? I should start planning now.
I love to take pictures. My secret (?) ambition is to take a few (real) photography courses and become a semi-professional photographer. Not the weird, caffeine-induced, photographers with horned-rimmed glasses that take pictures of the uber-skinny runway models. But one of the nice, lady-around-the-corner photographers that your friend's friend's friend calls to ask if you can take their family Christmas photo with the dog by the mantle. (Not the cat - I'm horribly allergic to cats.)
I love TV - and I TIVO it! I love reality tv (especially the train-wreck reality stuff), soap operas on CBS, a few "old school" game shows, Bravo, the Style Network, Food Network and HGTV. I keep thinking if I watch enough shows on how to design an entire bedroom for $50 - it might just happen. All I ever get is a room that looks like $1.50 (say 'a buck-fifty)?? Or, if I watch Rachel Ray make an entire meal for a family in 30 minutes, I think one will just appear in my kitchen. So far, neither of these have happened, but I keep watching...and hoping.
Here's a pic with my favorite bachelor - Bob Guiney. I love his music!
Okay - I think this is a good start. What do you think? Now, do I post every hour, every day, once a week, bi-weekly, bi-daily...what is appropriate, and is that last one a real word???
OH MY!! What have I gotten myself into?
^^^scream^^^ You have finally bitten the bullet... OMG. I love love love that picture of you and Braden... why, exactly, haven't I seen that one before??! [insert raised eyebrow, mom-type-look here]
love ya' and welcome to all that is blogger!
Hahahahaha...very cute...this is definitely your kind of thing...
Luv ya T
OMG! (hummm...I can't believe I actually used that "shorthand")
Yep -- you're in it now!! Verry clever. Keep it up!
Papa Frank
Awesome 1st blog! I am totally excited to log on to see what you are up to. Don't know know when or if I will ever jump on the blog band wagon, but for now I will just have to live vicaresously(sp) thru you and Barb.
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