Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Grandma's b-day

Just a quick post with pics from Grandma's party earlier this month. She had so much fun and really enjoyed seeing everyone. Almost all the kiddos were there (see picture to left). And, I recognized almost everyone! Some I hadn't seen in over 20 years.

I think she was pretty tired afterwards, but has since recovered and is enjoying looking at pictures from the wonderful day. I still can't believe that she's 100 years old. It seems like just yesterday she was sitting at the Thanksgiving table making sure everyone, especially my grandpa, had enough to eat and already asking if they wanted "seconds" before they had taken their first bite. And if you even looked like you needed something from the kitchen she was up and looking for whatever was needed. I swear, I don't know if she had a hot meal until she was in her 80's. :) Anywhoo - here's a couple of pics. Enjoy!

The birthday girl was escorted by her "baby" - my dad.

Great-Grandma and Braden. He was very proud to share her day with her! He loves a good birthday party!

Mom and Dad before the big party.

After the party we had to head back to Topeka for school and work the next day. I took these pictures while we (Brady) were driving on the highway. I thought the beautiful sunset was a perfect ending to a perfect day.


Barb said...

Looked like a fun par-tay! Love the big grin on grandma's face!

GORGEOUS sunset, too... {sigh}

Anonymous said...

Do we ever get a new post?